NiPSAR - No.1 for Synopsis and Project Report
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IGNOU synopsis BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music

IGNOU project Synopsis BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music

Creating a project Synopsis for IGNOU’s BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music involves several steps. This guide will help you structure and organize your Synopsis effectively.

1. Title Page

  • Title of the Project Synopsis
  • Name of the Student
  • Enrollment Number
  • Course Code and Title: BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music
  • Name of the Guide
  • Study Centre
  • Date of Submission

2. Certificate of Authenticity

  • A declaration stating that the project work is original and done by the student under the guidance of the assigned mentor.

3. Acknowledgment

  • Express gratitude to those who helped and supported you during the project, including your guide, family, and friends.

4. Table of Contents

  • List all the sections and sub-sections with page numbers.

5. Abstract

  • A brief summary of the project, highlighting the main objectives, methodology, and findings.

6. Introduction

  • Background and Rationale: Explain the significance of Hindustani Music.
  • Objectives: State the main goals of your project.

7. Review of Literature

  • Discuss previous research and studies related to Hindustani Music.
  • Highlight gaps that your study aims to fill.

8. Research Methodology

  • Research Design: Describe the type of research (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods).
  • Data Collection: Explain how you collected data (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations).
  • Data Analysis: Describe the methods used to analyze the data.

9. Analysis and Interpretation

  • Present your findings systematically.
  • Use charts, graphs, and tables to support your analysis.
  • Interpret the results in the context of your research objectives.

10. Discussion

  • Discuss the implications of your findings.
  • Compare your results with previous studies.
  • Highlight the significance of your research.

11. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key findings of your project.
  • Discuss the limitations of your study.
  • Provide recommendations for future research.

12. References

  • List all the sources you referred to in your project using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA).

13. Appendices

  • Include any additional material such as questionnaires, interview transcripts, and raw data.

Tips for Writing the Project Synopsis

  1. Clarity and Conciseness: Write clearly and concisely. Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex sentences.
  2. Consistency: Ensure consistency in formatting, citation style, and terminology throughout the Synopsis.
  3. Proofreading: Proofread your Synopsis multiple times to eliminate grammatical and typographical errors.
  4. Formatting: Follow the formatting guidelines provided by IGNOU, if any.
  5. Originality: Ensure that your work is original and free from plagiarism.

Conclusion Example

The study concludes that Hindustani music has evolved significantly, incorporating modern elements while retaining its traditional essence. This evolution reflects the dynamic nature of cultural practices and their ability to adapt to changing times. Future research could explore the influence of globalization on Hindustani music and its reception in different cultural contexts.

Following this guide will help you create a well-structured and comprehensive project Synopsis for BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music. Good luck with your project!

How NIPSAR Assists with IGNOU Project Synopsis BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music

NIPSAR (National Institute of Professional Studies and Research) provides various forms of assistance to students preparing their IGNOU project Synopsiss, including for the BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music. Here’s how NIPSAR can help:

1. Topic Selection and Approval

  • Guidance on Choosing a Topic: NIPSAR helps students choose a relevant and researchable topic for their project.
  • Approval Process: Assistance with the formal approval process from IGNOU, ensuring that the chosen topic aligns with the course requirements.

2. Project Proposal/Synopsis

  • Writing the Synopsis: Guidance on how to write a clear and concise project proposal or synopsis.
  • Review and Feedback: Providing feedback on drafts to ensure they meet IGNOU standards.

3. Research Methodology

  • Designing the Study: Helping students design their research, including selecting appropriate methodologies.
  • Data Collection Techniques: Offering advice on effective data collection methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, field observations).

4. Literature Review

  • Sources and Resources: Assisting in identifying and accessing relevant literature and resources.
  • Writing the Review: Guidance on structuring and writing the literature review section.

5. Data Analysis

  • Tools and Techniques: Teaching students how to use various data analysis tools and techniques.
  • Interpreting Results: Helping students interpret their data and draw meaningful conclusions.

6. Synopsis Writing

  • Structure and Formatting: Guidance on structuring the Synopsis and adhering to IGNOU’s formatting guidelines.
  • Writing Assistance: Providing tips on writing each section of the Synopsis, including the introduction, methodology, analysis, discussion, and conclusion.

7. Review and Editing

  • Draft Reviews: Reviewing drafts of the Synopsis and providing constructive feedback.
  • Editing Services: Assisting with editing and proofreading to ensure the Synopsis is free of grammatical and typographical errors.

8. Plagiarism Check

  • Originality Assurance: Using plagiarism detection tools to ensure the Synopsis is original and free from plagiarism.
  • Citation Guidance: Helping students correctly cite sources to avoid unintentional plagiarism.

9. Presentation Preparation

  • Creating Presentations: Assisting in creating effective presentations for viva voce or project defense.
  • Mock Presentations: Conducting mock presentations to help students prepare for their final evaluation.

10. Submission Support

  • Final Review: Conducting a final review of the Synopsis to ensure it meets all requirements.
  • Submission Guidance: Providing instructions on the submission process to IGNOU.

Additional Resources

  • Workshops and Seminars: Conducting workshops and seminars on various aspects of project Synopsis writing.
  • One-on-One Mentoring: Offering personalized mentoring and support throughout the project preparation process.

By leveraging these services, students can effectively navigate the challenges of preparing their IGNOU project Synopsiss and ensure they meet academic standards. NIPSAR’s comprehensive support can significantly enhance the quality and coherence of the project Synopsis, making the process more manageable and less stressful.

Sequences of Writing the Synopsis for IGNOU Project Synopsis BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music

Writing a synopsis for your IGNOU project Synopsis on BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music involves several structured steps to ensure clarity and completeness. Here’s a sequence to guide you through the process:

1. Introduction

  • Brief Background: Introduce the topic of Hindustani Music and its significance.
  • Objective: Clearly state the main objective of your project.

2. Objectives of the Study

  • Specific Goals: Outline the specific aims and objectives you intend to achieve through your research.
  • Research Questions: List the key questions your study seeks to answer.

3. Literature Review

  • Review of Existing Literature: Summarize the relevant literature related to Hindustani Music.
  • Identify Gaps: Highlight gaps in the current literature that your project aims to address.

4. Research Methodology

  • Research Design: Describe the type of research you plan to conduct (qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method).
  • Data Collection: Explain how you will collect data (e.g., interviews, surveys, archival research).
  • Data Analysis: Briefly mention the methods you will use to analyze the collected data.

5. Significance of the Study

  • Importance: Discuss why your study on Hindustani Music is important and its potential contributions to the field.
  • Relevance: Explain how your findings could benefit practitioners, researchers, or enthusiasts of Hindustani Music.

6. Expected Outcomes

  • Anticipated Results: Provide a brief overview of the expected outcomes or findings of your research.
  • Impact: Discuss the potential impact of your findings on the understanding of Hindustani Music.

7. Conclusion

  • Summary: Recap the main points discussed in the synopsis.
  • Future Directions: Mention any potential future research directions related to your study.

Tips for Writing the Synopsis

  • Clarity: Ensure that each section is clear and concise, avoiding unnecessary technical jargon.
  • Logical Flow: Maintain a logical flow of ideas from one section to the next.
  • Relevance: Focus on relevant details that directly relate to your study on Hindustani Music.
  • Formatting: Adhere to IGNOU’s formatting guidelines for synopsis submission.


In conclusion, this synopsis outlines a research project that aims to deepen understanding of Hindustani Music’s evolution and adaptation in contemporary musical contexts. By exploring historical developments and modern influences, the study seeks to enrich scholarly discourse on cultural heritage and musical innovation.

Following this sequence will help you draft a comprehensive and structured synopsis for your IGNOU project Synopsis on BAPFHMH BHMCP-109 Hindustani Music, ensuring clarity and alignment with academic requirements.

Important Dates for Synopsis Submission

Submission of Guide’s Bio-data and Project Proposal

  • Submit to: Regional Director of your Regional Centre
Activity Details
Submission of Guide’s Bio-data and Project Proposal Submit to: Regional Director of your Regional Centre
Submission Periods – 1st April to 30th June, 1st October to 31st December
Approval of Project Approval Time: 30 days after the project proposal is received
Submission of Project Synopsis Submit to: Regional Director of your Regional Centre
Submission Periods – 1st July to 30th September (For Project Proposals approved from 1st April to 30th June slot) 1st January to 31st March (For Project Proposals approved from 1st October to 31st December slot)
Viva – Voice to be Conducted – In May or July (For project Synopsiss submitted during the 1st January to 31st March slot) In November or January (For project Synopsiss submitted during the 1st July to 30th September slot)

Note: Dates can change anytime as per University Norms. Check the University Website for updates.


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