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IGNOU project synopsis MSCCFT MCFTP-01 Counselling and Family Therapy Internship

Complete Guide to MSCCFT MCFTP-01 Counselling and Family Therapy Internship


The MCFTP-01 internship is a crucial component of the MSCCFT (Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy) program. It provides practical experience and helps students apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.


  • Practical Application: To apply theoretical knowledge to real-life scenarios.
  • Skill Development: To enhance counseling and therapy skills.
  • Professional Experience: To gain experience in a professional setting.
  • Networking: To build connections within the industry.


  • Duration: Typically, the internship lasts for a specified period as mandated by the institution (e.g., 6 months).
  • Hours: A minimum number of hours (e.g., 300 hours) must be completed.
  • Supervision: Interns must work under the supervision of a qualified professional.
  • Synopsising: Regular Synopsiss and a final Synopsis are usually required.

Finding an Internship

  1. University Support: Utilize university resources such as career services.
  2. Professional Networks: Reach out to professionals in the field.
  3. Online Portals: Use job and internship portals.
  4. Local Organizations: Contact local counseling centers, hospitals, and NGOs.

Key Areas of Experience

  1. Individual Counseling: Working with individuals on personal issues.
  2. Family Therapy: Addressing family dynamics and relationships.
  3. Group Therapy: Facilitating group sessions.
  4. Crisis Intervention: Handling emergency situations.
  5. Workshops and Seminars: Participating in or leading educational sessions.

Supervision and Mentorship

  • Choosing a Supervisor: Select someone experienced and approachable.
  • Regular Meetings: Schedule regular meetings for feedback.
  • Professional Development: Discuss career goals and professional development.

Documentation and Synopsising

  1. Daily Logs: Maintain a daily log of activities.
  2. Weekly Synopsiss: Summarize weekly experiences and learning.
  3. Case Studies: Document detailed case studies.
  4. Final Synopsis: A comprehensive Synopsis summarizing the internship experience.

Skills to Develop

  • Communication: Effective communication with clients and colleagues.
  • Empathy: Understanding and empathizing with clients’ issues.
  • Analytical Skills: Analyzing and addressing complex situations.
  • Ethics: Adhering to ethical standards in counseling.


  • Self-Evaluation: Reflect on your growth and areas of improvement.
  • Supervisor Evaluation: Obtain feedback from your supervisor.
  • Client Feedback: If applicable, gather feedback from clients.

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

  • Emotional Burnout: Practice self-care and seek supervision support.
  • Difficult Clients: Develop strategies for managing challenging cases.
  • Balancing Responsibilities: Manage time effectively and prioritize tasks.


The MCFTP-01 internship is an invaluable part of the MSCCFT program, providing practical experience and professional growth. By preparing thoroughly, actively engaging in the internship, and reflecting on the experiences, students can maximize the benefits and set a solid foundation for their future careers in counseling and family therapy.


How NIPSAR Assists with MSCCFT MCFTP-01 Counselling and Family Therapy Internship


The National Institute of Psychological Sciences and Research (NIPSAR) is dedicated to supporting students pursuing their MSCCFT (Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy) by providing comprehensive assistance throughout the MCFTP-01 internship process.

Support Services Offered by NIPSAR

  1. Placement Assistance
    • Industry Connections: NIPSAR has established relationships with various counseling centers, hospitals, NGOs, and private practices to help place students in suitable internships.
    • Placement Cell: A dedicated placement cell helps students find opportunities that align with their career goals and interests.
  2. Training and Workshops
    • Pre-Internship Training: Workshops and training sessions are conducted to prepare students for the challenges of the internship.
    • Skill Development: Ongoing workshops on specific skills such as crisis intervention, therapeutic techniques, and case management.
  3. Supervision and Mentorship
    • Qualified Supervisors: NIPSAR ensures that students are paired with experienced and qualified supervisors who provide regular guidance and feedback.
    • Mentorship Programs: Access to mentors who can provide professional and personal development support.
  4. Documentation and Synopsising Guidance
    • Templates and Examples: Provision of templates for daily logs, weekly Synopsiss, case studies, and the final Synopsis.
    • Review and Feedback: Regular reviews of documentation to ensure it meets academic and professional standards.
  5. Emotional and Professional Support
    • Counseling Services: Availability of counseling services for students to manage stress and emotional challenges during the internship.
    • Peer Support Groups: Facilitation of peer support groups where students can share experiences and support each other.
  6. Workshops and Seminars
    • Guest Speakers: Regular seminars with guest speakers from the field of counseling and family therapy to provide insights and share experiences.
    • Continuing Education: Opportunities for continuing education through workshops and certificate programs.
  7. Resource Access
    • Library and Online Resources: Access to a well-stocked library and online resources that include books, journals, and research papers relevant to counseling and family therapy.
    • Case Study Archives: Access to a repository of case studies for reference and learning.
  8. Networking Opportunities
    • Professional Events: Invitation to professional events, conferences, and seminars to network with industry professionals.
    • Alumni Network: Access to an alumni network for career advice and opportunities.

Sequences for Writing the Synopsis for MSCCFT MCFTP-01 Counselling and Family Therapy Internship

Writing a synopsis for the MCFTP-01 internship in Counselling and Family Therapy involves summarizing your experiences, learnings, and outcomes effectively. Here’s a structured approach to help you draft a comprehensive synopsis:

1. Introduction

  • Objective: Clearly state the purpose of the internship synopsis.
  • Background: Briefly introduce the MSCCFT program and the significance of the MCFTP-01 internship.

2. Overview of the Internship

  • Duration: Mention the duration and timeline of your internship (e.g., start and end dates).
  • Setting: Describe the setting where you completed your internship (e.g., counseling center, hospital, NGO).

3. Objectives and Goals

  • Internship Objectives: Outline the specific objectives you aimed to achieve during the internship.
  • Personal Goals: Discuss any personal goals or learning outcomes you set for yourself.

4. Activities and Responsibilities

  • Daily Tasks: Detail the daily tasks and responsibilities you undertook during the internship.
  • Case Studies: Highlight any significant case studies you worked on, ensuring to maintain confidentiality.

5. Skills Developed

  • Counseling Skills: Reflect on how your counseling skills evolved (e.g., active listening, empathy).
  • Therapeutic Techniques: Discuss the therapeutic techniques you practiced and mastered.
  • Professional Development: Mention any professional skills or competencies you developed (e.g., time management, teamwork).

6. Challenges Faced

  • Difficult Cases: Describe any challenging cases you encountered and how you addressed them.
  • Personal Challenges: Reflect on any personal or emotional challenges you faced during the internship.

7. Supervision and Mentorship

  • Supervision: Discuss the role of your supervisor and the guidance they provided.
  • Mentorship: Reflect on any mentorship experiences and their impact on your professional growth.

8. Ethical Considerations

  • Ethical Practices: Discuss how you adhered to ethical guidelines in counseling and therapy.
  • Confidentiality: Highlight your commitment to maintaining client confidentiality.

9. Impact and Contributions

  • Client Impact: Reflect on the impact of your interventions on clients’ lives.
  • Contributions to the Organization: Discuss any contributions you made to the organization or team.

10. Conclusion and Reflection

  • Achievements: Summarize your achievements and successes during the internship.
  • Lessons Learned: Reflect on the key lessons learned and insights gained from the internship experience.
  • Future Goals: Discuss how the internship has influenced your career aspirations in counseling and family therapy.

11. Recommendations

  • Recommendations for Future Students: Provide recommendations or advice for future MSCCFT students undertaking the MCFTP-01 internship.

12. Appendices (if applicable)

  • Supporting Documents: Include any supporting documents such as case studies, Synopsiss, or certificates.

13. Formatting and Presentation

  • Structure: Ensure the synopsis follows a logical structure with clear headings and subheadings.
  • Length: Typically, synopses are concise (1-2 pages) but provide enough detail to convey your experiences comprehensively.
  • Language: Use professional language and avoid jargon or technical terms unless necessary.

By following these sequences, you can effectively structure and write a compelling synopsis for your MSCCFT MCFTP-01 Counselling and Family Therapy Internship, showcasing your achievements, skills, and reflections gained during this significant professional experience.

Important Dates for Synopsis Submission

Submission of Guide’s Bio-data and Project Proposal

  • Submit to: Regional Director of your Regional Centre
Activity Details
Submission of Guide’s Bio-data and Project Proposal Submit to: Regional Director of your Regional Centre
Submission Periods – 1st April to 30th June, 1st October to 31st December
Approval of Project Approval Time: 30 days after the project proposal is received
Submission of Project Synopsis Submit to: Regional Director of your Regional Centre
Submission Periods – 1st July to 30th September (For Project Proposals approved from 1st April to 30th June slot) 1st January to 31st March (For Project Proposals approved from 1st October to 31st December slot)
Viva – Voice to be Conducted – In May or July (For Project Synopsis submitted during the 1st January to 31st March slot) In November or January (For project Synopsiss submitted during the 1st July to 30th September slot)

Note: Dates can change anytime as per University Norms. Check the University Website for updates.

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