NiPSAR - No.1 for Synopsis and Project Report
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Example of IGNOU project synopsis

Example of IGNOU project synopsis. 


Title Page

Title: Digital Archiving in Modern Libraries
Name: Pankaj Kumar
Enrollment Number: 123456789
Supervisor: Dr. Vikas
Course Code: MLIS-MLIP-002
Date of Submission: [Insert Date]


The rapid advancement in digital technologies has transformed libraries, necessitating the adoption of digital archiving to preserve information. This study explores the role of digital archiving in modern libraries and its impact on information management.

Statement of the Problem

Despite the potential benefits, many libraries face challenges in implementing effective digital archiving systems. This research aims to investigate these challenges and propose solutions.

Objectives of the Study

  1. Identify key challenges in digital archiving within modern libraries.
  2. To assess the impact of digital archiving on library services.
  3. Proposed strategies for effective digital archiving.

Research Questions

  1. What are the primary challenges faced by libraries in digital archiving?
  2. How does digital archiving affect the management of library resources?
  3. What strategies can improve the effectiveness of digital archiving?

Review of Literature

The literature review will cover studies on digital archiving technologies, case studies of successful implementations, and theoretical frameworks on information preservation.

Research Methodology

  • Design: Mixed methods approach.
  • Population: Librarians and IT staff in public and academic libraries.
  • Sample: Random sampling of 10 libraries.
  • Data Collection: Surveys, interviews, and case study analysis.
  • Data Analysis: Statistical analysis for quantitative data and thematic analysis for qualitative data.

Scope and Limitations

The study will focus on public and academic libraries within urban areas. The findings may not be generalizable to all libraries and will not cover private or special libraries.

Implications of the Study

The research will provide insights into improving digital archiving practices, benefiting both library management and users by ensuring better preservation and accessibility of information.

Chapter Outline

  1. Introduction: Background, significance, and objectives.
  2. Literature Review: Summary of existing research and gaps.
  3. Research Methodology: Detailed methodology.
  4. Data Analysis and Findings: Presentation and analysis of data.
  5. Discussion: Interpretation of findings.
  6. Conclusions and Recommendations: Summary and suggestions for future research.

Time Frame (Work Plan)

Activity Time Frame
Literature Review 1 month
Data Collection 2 months
Data Analysis 1 month
Report Writing 1.5 months
Final Review and Submission 0.5 month


  • Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Publisher.
  • Author, B. B. (Year). Title of work. Journal Name, Volume (Issue), pages.
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